The funny thing is that hot food in the afternoon was quite normal in the Netherlands about fifty years ago. At that time, most households had a warm meal at home every afternoon around 12 noon. Hubby cycled home and the children walked or cycled home from school to eat the potato-vegetable-meat meal that mothers had already cooked in the morning. In the evening bread was usually eaten, possibly with soup or some leftovers from lunch. That has all changed. The average Dutch lunch now consists of bread topped with savory and sweet, possibly supplemented with a bowl of soup or a savory snack. The hot meal is generally only eaten in the evening.
The benefits of hot lunch
A warm lunch has its advantages. Usually a hot lunch contains some vegetables, or you eat it with a salad. Since we normally eat far too few vegetables in the Netherlands, that’s a nice bonus. Another advantage of a hot lunch is that it is usually a more complete meal than just a sandwich with cheese, meats or sweets. Most hot meals contain vegetables, meat, fish, grains and/or legumes. These provide your body with good nutrients and thus contribute to a healthy diet.
A hot meal also contains less sugars than an average Dutch lunch, with sweet fillings still scoring high. In addition, a complete meal provides much more satiety. That means your stomach and intestines take longer to digest the food. This prevents the feeling of hunger during the afternoon and prevents unhealthy snacking or sweets in between. A hot lunch is also much more varied than a bread lunch. And a varied diet is one of the basic principles of healthy eating.
Another advantage of the hot lunch is that you really have to spend some time on it. You don’t easily eat a hot lunch at your desk while you’re still working on some emails. For a hot lunch you should take some time. And that is a good habit, because those who eat with attention, eat more consciously and therefore generally less likely to overeat. Taking a break from work for a meal can also help you deal with work stress a little better.
The after lunch dip
Are there no disadvantages then? Yes! It’s not so easy to take a hot lunch to work. You are dependent on (expensive) restaurants and company canteens. Or you should invest in thermos flasks and containers to take something warm with you when there is no microwave or oven at work. Another disadvantage is that a hot meal is usually somewhat larger than a standard lunch. And such a lavish meal during the lunch break can cause the infamous after-lunch dip. Your body needs some time to get started with the meal that has just arrived. Everything in your body is then focused on that. That means you may feel a little tired after such an extensive meal. The best thing to do is admit it. Drink a cup of tea or coffee at the end or take a leisurely walk before going back to work. All in all, the hot lunch will cost you a bit more time.
This is how you have a healthy hot lunch
Of course you can also choose a hot lunch in such a way that you are absolutely not healthy. A pizza, meal with chips or a kebab sandwich every day may be warm, but it really isn’t the best choice. A healthy hot lunch provides you with the right nutrients and prevents you from getting hungry and snacking during the afternoon. A healthy hot lunch contains:
- Vegetables: take a large portion. It is best if half of your meal consists of vegetables. This way you get a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber. The vegetables can be prepared in all kinds of ways, it doesn’t matter: boiled, stir-fried, roasted, as a salad, cooked in a sauce or in a soup.
- Protein. Proteins make you feel full and prevent you from feeling hungry again soon after a meal. Choose chicken, meat, fish or eggs or a vegetarian protein source such as bean curd or tempeh, legumes or nuts.
- A portion of rice, pasta, potatoes or bread does not have to be very large. About a quarter of your plate is enough. Choose potatoes, whole-wheat pasta, couscous, brown rice or whole-wheat bread, because they provide you with a lot of fiber and that in turn ensures that you don’t get hungry so quickly.
- Oil or butter to prepare your meal is also included. These fats ensure that the fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D and E are better absorbed into your body. And fat, just like fiber and protein, ensures satiety: it prevents you from getting hungry again quickly.
- Always drink with your (warm) lunch, because your body needs a lot of fluids. A glass of water is fine, but it could also be a cup of milk or a cup of tea.
Twice hot a day
If a hot lunch means eating hot twice a day, is that a problem? New. It doesn’t matter whether a meal is hot or cold. It’s always about the composition. And because the composition of a hot lunch is generally healthier than a sandwich meal of only bread with toppings, warm food twice a day is no problem.
6 Tips for a healthy hot lunch