The French government once again illustrates its desire to reduce smoking by increasing the price of a packet of cigarettes by one euro on average. This decision, signed by the Minister of Action and Public Accounts, Gérard Darmanin, and the Minister of Solidarity and Health, Agnès Buzyn, will take effect on March 1.
No change in 4 years
While it had been 4 years since the price of cigarettes had changed (20 cents in 2014), it has just undergone two increases in the space of a few months. From now on, the package of Marlboro reds, Philip Morris and Gauloises blondes will cost 8 euros; the Winfield, the Red Winston and the Lucky Strike go from 6.80 euros to 7.80 and the Chesterfield Red to 7.80 euros against 7 euros. The new price of each product (cigars, cigarettes, rolling tobacco) is available on the website of the Official newspaper.
At the end of this increase, the government hopes for a decrease in tobacco consumption of 10 to 15% in 2018. This increase in the price of the package should continue to reach 10 euros by 2020. Agnès Buzyn had declared last September that successive levels will be put in place to allow smokers “to prepare and find the means to quit”. This price increase and the latest report from the National Cancer Institute estimating that smoking is the cause of 73,000 deaths per year, are all good reasons to start quitting.
Read also :
It only takes one cigarette to become a smoker
Extra days off for non-smoking employees