Decriminalizing cannabis would be an irresponsible act, according to the press release from the National Academy of Pharmacy. And an absurd message to the youth who are consuming more and more THC.
Cannabis is the most widely consumed illicit substance in France. 42% of French people have already tested cannabis and 11% of 18-64 year olds smoke it regularly against 10% in 2010. Cannabis use has particularly increased among young people aged 18 to 25, from 29% to 34% among men and from 17% to 23% among women between 2010 and 2014, according to the French Observatory for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT).
Stronger and stronger substances
In its press release, the Academy recalls that the composition of cannabis has evolved in 20 years and that it is increasingly strong in THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), its active principle. “The average concentration of its active ingredient, THC, has increased considerably (multiplied by 5) to reach 20% in cannabis resin and 13% in weed”.
Cannabis, the enemy of health
The Academy recalls that cannabis is a substance that promotes road accidents. It causes significant anxiety disorders, depression with suicidal risks, a sharp decline in school performance and an irreversible decrease in the Intellectual Quotient (IQ). Not to mention that its regular use causes various vascular complications affecting the heart (infarction), the brain (stroke) and lower limbs (arteritis) as well as decreased libido and male fertility.
“At a time when we are campaigning against smoking, legalizing the use of cannabis would be“ irresponsible ”. On the other hand, it appears essential to intensify the fight against trafficking and to increase prevention and information actions, particularly for young people, ”the Academy concludes in a press release.
Read also:
Cannabis would reduce our cognitive abilities
The real dangers of cannabis
Cannabis harms our verbal memory