There composition of the intestinal microbiota highly dependent on our diet. Everything that we eat and that our intestines do not absorb, such as fiber, contributes to the multiplication of our bacteria, the good ones as well as the others.
When we ingest food, we are also feeding our intestinal bacteria which multiply. What we put on our plates is therefore essential for our microbiota. “It is possible to adopt good eating habits to optimize its functioning or to fight against certain imbalances at the origin of a generalized inflammatory process”, says Daniel Sincholle, pharmacologist. A quality diet involves eliminating or limiting ultra-processed products that are full of food additives, bad fats, salt and sugar.
Also avoid alcohol, which promotes the permeability of the intestinal wall and the proliferation of pro-inflammatory bacteria. It is not a question of totally upsetting one’s diet overnight, but gradually enrich your microbiotaand it works ! “In humans whose microbiota is depleted (300,000 genes with a diet low in fat and enriched in fibre, in quantity and diversity), we manage to increase the richness of the microbiota by 25 to 30%”assures Joël Doré.
Read also:
- 8 good reasons to take care of your microbiota
- Ketogenic diet: why is it not without health risks?
- 12 good reasons to use spices