It would be possible to diagnose a myocardial infarction, according to the results ofa clinical study from the Swiss Roche laboratory known as Trapid-Ami and published in the medical journal Annals of Emergency Medicine. This will be made possible by a blood test that measures troponin T.
The Roche laboratory clinical study was carried out on 1,200 patients to validate the efficacy of a new test, the high sensitive Elecsys cardiac Troponin T. This new tool detects troponin, a protein in heart muscle that is released into the bloodstream for a period of time. myocardial infarction. ” This short procedure includes performing two blood tests one hour apart in patients with recent chest pain. », Indicated the Swiss group in a statement.
“ With blood tests from previous generations, it could take between three and six hours to detect the release of this protein. », Recalls the laboratory in this press release.
Quick treatment to reduce risks
Each year in France around 100,000 people are struck by a infarction, or heart attack. The treatment has made it possible, in ten years, to reduce mortality, but 13% of patients still die in the first year (including 7% in the acute phase), according to the High Authority for Health (HAS). Early diagnosis would reduce these numbers.
“Prompt management of patients with chest pain and other symptoms is essential, with each additional half hour elapsing increasing the relative risk of death by 7.5% », Explained the Roche laboratory.
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Cardiac arrest: knowing the symptoms to save lives
Heart failure: a blood test to detect it?
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