On the occasion of the general assembly of visual health, the Mutualité Française commissioned a survey to understand the point of view of the French on the quality of optical equipment, their costs and their coverage.
The majority of French people (71%) say they take care of their eyes and 52% of them think that the quality of the equipment, the perception of a good detection of visual disturbances and ocular pathologies are satisfactory. On the other hand, 22% of them find that the cost of the equipment is too high and that their reimbursements are too low.
In fact, 4 out of 10 French people consider it difficult to access optical equipment, glasses or lenses and a third of them declare that they have already given up on care or equipment, mainly for financial reasons or because of delays. wait too long, according to the results of this survey.
Support for the most vulnerable populations
During this survey, 52% of French people also declared that the visual health of people with disabilities is not guaranteed. More than half (56%) think that taking care of the elderly is not sufficient and 67% said that precarious people were poorly insured. A third of those polled believe that children’s visual health is not properly monitored, although they consider the early detection of visual disturbances essential.
The role of professionals misunderstood
One in two French people find it difficult to navigate between the different professionals in the field of visual health, sometimes struggling to understand the role of each of them. If the ophthalmologist appears to be the referent specialist who must play a central role, the people surveyed would be ready to accept professional cooperation from ophthalmologists to optometrists (75%), to orthoptists (74%) and to opticians (63%) . The majority (89%) of them are in favor of further training of opticians to have more skills in eye exams.
Read also:
Glasses: the poorest give up wearing them
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