Health Insurance reimbursed 84 million euros of healthcare services provided abroad in 2012, or 26% more than in 2011. With an increase in dental care.
The trend is accentuated with the crisis: more and more French people are going abroad to benefit from cheaper medical care. According to the annual report of the National Center for Care Abroad (Cnse), health insurance funds reimbursed 84 million euros for care services provided abroad in 2012, i.e. 26% more than 2011.
More than 1 in 2 cases relate to care provided within the European Union (55.3%). They total 68.1% of reimbursed expenses. Leading health destinations, Belgium (26.3%), and Spain (22.1%), as in 2010 and 2011. Outside the European Union, come Morocco (19.2%), and Tunisia ( 17.4%).
Dental care is increasingly popular. It is true that with less than 50% for the placement of an implant in certain European countries, this “low cost” tooth medicine is attracting more and more French people. They represented 24,300 cases for 11.2 million euros spent (+ 6.9%) and 2.5 million euros reimbursed (+ 10.4%). And Hungary, Spain and Portugal remain the most popular destinations for French people suffering from their teeth.
This phenomenon worries dentists. For Prof. Patrick Missika, professor at the Faculty of Dental Surgery Paris VII, “the companies that organize these trips boast that we can provide you with a maximum of care in a minimum of time, this is not true. If the person has periodontitis problems, that is to say the support of the tooth, infection, if they have decayed teeth to extract, we cannot fix everything in a week ”.
And Professor Missika underlines a second risk: “often, in foreign countries, patients receive, for example, implants of which they do not know the brand. When these patients are faced with difficulties, and it happens, they contact their usual dental surgeon and ask them to repair the damage. However, you should know that this is not possible because he will not have the identity of the implants or crowns used ”.
Finally, be aware that for medico-legal reasons, dentists or dentistry departments may refuse to pay for care on implants that have not been placed by them. Only one solution remains in this case, remove everything to start over.