Green tea would have anti-overweight virtues, electronic cigarettes could be very harmful to health and the generalization of vaccination against hepatitis B would be very effective in curbing the disease. Here is the main news.
Obesity and overweight: green tea could help you
Old studies had already proven that green tea helped prevent obesity and protect against intestinal inflammation. To understand all the benefits of green tea, American researchers decided to develop an experiment in mice. Their study was published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. They discovered that the intestines of mice did better on a diet consisting of 2% of green tea. Indeed, these mice had a better impermeability of the intestine and their microbiota was of better quality (bacteria are more healthy). “This study proves that green tea encourages the growth of good gut bacteria, leading to a series of benefits that significantly reduce the risk of obesity,” said Richard Bruno, lead study author and professor of nutrition. human at The Ohio University. We tell you more in our article.
The electronic cigarette, responsible for heart disease and depression?
Two arguments push smokers to swap tobacco for electronic cigarettes: cost and health. If it is undeniable that vaping is more economical than buying packs of cigarettes – in France in any case – the impact on health is not yet certain. The electronic cigarette is recent, it has appeared and has become more popular in recent years. According to a study unveiled on March 7 in the United States, and which will be presented at the 68th Congress of the American College of Cardiology, vapers suffer from heart disease more often than non-vapers. To read more click here.
Hepatitis B: in Catalonia, the vaccination of young adolescents is bearing fruit
Every year around the world, 350 million people contract hepatitis B. Almost a million of them do not survive this acute viral infection of the liver, which can become chronic and increase the risk of cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma. . While in France, vaccination against hepatitis B has only been compulsory since 1er January 2018, a region of Spain, Catalonia has made it systematic since 1991 among preteens. A new study, conducted by the University of Barcelona (UB), and published in the journal Vaccinated, today shows the usefulness of this program. According to its authors, the systematization of the hepatitis B vaccine in pre-adolescents has led to a 52% drop in the incidence rate of the disease in Catalonia. To learn more, click here.