In March 2018 124 health professionals published a tribune against alternative medicine, qualifying homeopathy as “esoteric medicine”. A year later, when the Haute Autorité de santé (HAS) is preparing to return his assessment on the merits of the reimbursement of homeopathic medicines, the Academy of Medicine and the Academy of Pharmacy jointly sign a press release calling for the end of this reimbursement. The academicians do not stop there since they also demand the end of his teaching in the faculties of medicine, according to information from Figaro.
No proven efficacy
“The state of scientific data does not allow to verify” any of the homeopathic principles, and “the meta-analyzes did not make it possible to demonstrate an effectiveness of homeopathic preparations” underline the two academies. The Academy of Medicine voted for this text yesterday by 58 votes in favor (16 against, 8 abstentions). The Academy of Pharmacy will vote at the end of the week.
Certainly, academics recognize that a large majority of French people have regularly homeopathybut they put this craze on the account of the placebo effect and ask that the laboratories indicate on the packaging “that no effectiveness is scientifically proven”.
Read also :
Homeopathy: the minister in favor of maintaining reimbursement
Homeopathy in the United States will have to prove its worth