Lose weight fast for the summer
For many people, the month of June is the time to lose a few more kilos before the summer really starts. The holidays are just around the corner and the airy dresses, shorts and swimwear are coming out of the closet again. These are the most popular diets right now.
1. The Fast Diet
By far the most popular diet at the moment is The Fasting Diet by Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer. Mosley tried the diet himself for a BBC documentary and the results were astonishing. With the diet, men are allowed to consume only 600 kilocalories two days a week, women only 500. The other five days of the week are eaten normally.
Mosley divides his calories on the fast days into two meals: breakfast and lunch. At breakfast 300 kilocalories and 300 kilocalories at dinner which consists of lots of vegetables and lean protein. Drink a lot during the day: water, tea and coffee. You would get used to the feeling of hunger. It worked with Mosley. After two months, he was 19 pounds lighter and his cholesterol and blood sugar and other factors also returned to normal heights. Recent scientific research has shown that the diet not only helps to shed the pounds, but also reduces the risk of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. But Mosley emphasizes that more research, especially in the long term, is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the diet.
2. Cambridge
The Cambridge Diet remains as popular as ever. A diet that sounds like music to the ears, because everyone who is overweight wants to lose six to ten kilos in a month, right? However, the diet is not recommended. It is true that you lose weight quickly, but you are also allowed only 500 kilocalories and that in the form of soups, shakes and bars. Perhaps ideal if you want to lose a few kilos ‘easy’ and quickly, but to follow the diet for a long time is quite a task and unhealthy.
3. Eat Half Diet
The MLM (Mangez La Moitié) diet is a diet created by French chef Gérard La Moitié. He was so busy in his restaurant one summer that he only had time for an occasional bite to eat. After that busy period he turned out to have lost 14 kilos. For years he tried to lose weight, but now he almost succeeded. This is how his plan to develop a diet was born. The concept is simple: eat exactly half of what you always ate, including fries, steak, moorkoppen, etc. and halve the use of alcohol.
4. The 17 Day Diet
6 kilos off in 17 days, while you eat well and can also have a glass of wine. That’s what it 17 day diet from Dr. Mike Moreno promises. Moreno’s diet is hot. Like many other popular diets, think of the Dukan Diet or Dr. Frank, the 17-day diet is also based on a low-carbohydrate diet. dr. However, unlike other low-carb diet programs, Mike has also included periods where carbohydrates are allowed in limited amounts. The big disadvantage is that it is a diet with very little fiber in the diet. There are also too few vitamins and minerals, especially iron, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin B1.
5. The Primal Diet
The primordial diet, also called paleo diet, is a diet in which people eat as our distant ancestors ate. Lots of vegetables, lots of fruit, lean meat, eggs, seaweed and nuts. It is striking that bread, potatoes, pasta, milk and cheese were missing at that time. Nevertheless, the primal diet provides sufficient nutrients. Lots of vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber. Nutrients that we quickly get too much of in our current diet are hardly found in primal food. Think sugar and salt. And what about the type of fat in primal food? Lots of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and very little saturated fats and trans fats.
Before you start dieting, remember that it is often possible to lose a lot of kilos in a short time, but that it is difficult to maintain in the long term. There is a good chance that after a while you will eat and weigh the same as before. Do you want to lose a few kilos quickly, for example for your summer vacation? This is fine with one of the above diets, but if you want to lose more and prevent a yo-yo effect, it is best to adjust your lifestyle.