The objective was to finance Zolgensma, a drug at 1.9 million euros, for a little Belgian girl named Pia, suffering from spinal muscular atrophy. This rare genetic disease gradually weakens the baby’s muscles. To be effective, the drug had to be administered before he was 2 years old, reveals that it will be very soon, when the baby is 10 months old.
Paid SMS to save the child
Thousands of Belgians have contributed to help little Pia through a collection in the form of paying SMS at 2 euros. More than 900,000 such messages have been sent for the child. It was the only way to cure Pia: Zolgensma is the only medicine against which she does not produce antibodies.
It is administered in a single injection, which will be carried out in Belgium. He will not allow him to be cured, but to have a more or less normal life by preventing the muscles which have not yet been affected from being affected by the disease.
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