It is a little morbid accounting, but essential … Tens of thousands of ducks are either slaughtered or confined. For the moment only in the west of France, which would suggest that the measure is effective. Its goal is to put an end to the threat of an epidemic of bird flu which, it must be said, does not threaten humans at all. The threat is elsewhere …
Extremely important precision. Health authorities insist that this avian flu virus is low pathogenic, which means that the slaughter, containment, and disinfection of farms will achieve its goal and kill this epidemic in the bud! these same authorities recall that this virus has no effect on humans.
So why these scenes of despair affecting breeders who are already in a precarious situation? Quite simply because it remains in the minds of epidemiologists, whose role is to scrutinize the past to predict the future, the sad memory of the Spanish flu of 1919, which officially killed 20 million and more than 40 millions unofficially. An unimaginable figure if such an epidemic occurred again.
One would think that we have the medical weapons to act. It is true, but not on this scale and especially if it is about the appalling virus which one awaits, hoping that it will never see the light of the day, hence these drastic measures against our poor ducks. These farms are the secret bases for the worst that nature prepares. “THE” virus of the century. Because it is not bird flu that terrorizes infectious disease specialists today, but rather the imminence of an evil marriage. That of Hercules and Mercury.
The imminence of an evil marriage
Force married to travel. The God of strength is the avian flu virus, a killing machine that nature confines to the organism of a few resistant birds, but which sometimes, for reasons that are not well known – promiscuity, manipulation unusual – makes a noticeable passage in humans. With appalling consequences: mortality close to 100% and maximum contagiousness. Luckily, he’s a fragile, homebody killer. Like his brothers EBOLA or MARBURG who regularly decimate an African village only to fall asleep again just as brutally as they had arrived.
The God of travel, among viruses, you know him well. It’s the flu. Volage, he likes cohabitation. This is why it is never the same from one year to the next and that each fall, we have to revaccinate ourselves. He is above all an inexhaustible backpacker whose annual tour of the world results in tens of millions of human contaminations, always unpleasant, sometimes serious and fatal.
The pig, witness to this devastating union
The microbe likes perfect hugs. The result is a new virus that takes qualities from both parents. So if one day, bird flu meets traditional flu, unites and then passes to humans, it is a traveling killer, a weapon of mass destruction which will be preparing to sweep the planet.
Science fiction? Alas no. These weddings are, it seems, happening with a wedding witness … a pig! It is in fact by passing through the intermediary of the pig, an organism similar to that of humans, that the virus learns to colonize and destroy us. His apprenticeship finished, all that remains is to undertake his tour of the mortal world.
A scenario that the World Health Organization (WHO) has feared for years. The forecasts, if it comes true, are in the event of an epidemic, several hundred thousand deaths just for our country. It is, let us remember, the WHO which says so. Scientists who rather have the reputation of wielding the tongue of the woods. Their frankness is now chilling. But let’s remember the Spanish flu.
It is true that for a breeder who devotes his life, his hobbies, often earning the minimum subsistence, the death sentence against all the animals on his farm is a tragedy. The community must take charge of the individual financial disaster quickly and without argument. Because this act, which can be considered barbaric, is in fact an essential preventive act, which takes part in the underground fight against an enemy who is preparing a weapon of mass destruction.