The weight of words can be the cause of many evils. Especially when they make fun of our physical appearance. People who are overweight know this. The fashion of fat shaming does damage.
A study published last January underlined that discrimination against the obese had a negative impact on their physical and moral health. “People who are discriminated against withdraw into themselves, consume more calories and stop exercising. It’s a vicious circle… which has very concrete consequences on their health,” wrote Rebecca Pearl, researcher at the University of Pennsylvania (United States) and author of the study published in the journal obesity.
But when is it in teenagers? What impact can these mockeries have on developing brains? To find out, relate Top healthresearchers at the University of Connecticut (United States) followed 1,800 people aged 15 at the start for 15 years.
The results of this work published in preventive medicine are eloquent. Teenagers singled out during their youth for their figure had twice the risk of being obese in adulthood. Resorting to dieting or snacking, compulsive food cravings were much more common in this population, especially among women. “With a lower than average self-esteem”, underlines the journalist.
Conclusions that should encourage the authors of jokes to curb their appetite for stupidity.