A few days before Christmas, AsnaV recalls the usual precautions to be observed to avoid harmful effects on the sight of tablets and other screens, especially among children.
A few days before the end of the year celebrations, while the lists for Santa Claus are completed or in the process of being written, many children are already impatiently awaiting this year again, the latest digital tablet in vogue. In recent years, these “new generation” toys have been present in a good number of families and used by both children and adults. Yet visual health specialists are sounding the alarm. The national association for the improvement of the sight (AsnaV) recalls the few rules of caution to preserve the eyes, in particular of the youngest.
Beware of the risk of myopia
Although screens are everywhere, today at home, in the car or in public places, these visual health specialists explain that this daily invasion is not to be taken lightly for our eyes. From an early age, the omnipresence of tablets or computers creates a new visual requirement. “These tools used without any limits can have harmful effects on the visual health of children. Some studies tend to show that the intensive use of screens increases the number of myopic people, ”specifies AsnaV in a press release. These specialists therefore recommend that parents remain vigilant over the duration and frequency of use, specifying that young French people spend an average of 2 hours and 15 minutes per day with their eyes riveted on a screen.
Simple rules to preserve visual abilities
Even if these rules mainly appeal to common sense, AsnaV therefore advises that when using a screen, to institute breaks every 20 minutes by forcing yourself to change activity or better still to go out. outside. Whether for children or adults, it is also recommended to monitor the distance between the eyes and the screen. It is necessary that there is at least 30 cm of space, whatever the screen, television, computer or tablet. In addition, to take care of your eyes, it is essential to harmonize the light of the room and of course to remember to wear your glasses or lenses at all times when they have been prescribed. Finally, remember that in the event of visual fatigue, it is essential to consult a specialist.