Omega-6s present in vegetable oils help lower blood pressure. People who consume the most are said to have low blood pressure. This is proven by a study by researchers at Shiga University in Japan, published in the September issue of the journal. Hypertension. These results could be used in the fight against hypertension in the future.
The researchers tested the blood pressure of 4,680 people aged 40 to 59, from several countries such as China, Japan and England, and compared it to their diet. They found that the participants who consumed the most omega-6 were also the ones with the lowest blood pressure levels. The relationship would be even stronger in those who do not follow any particular diet or treatment for cardiovascular disease.
Previous studies had shown that omega-3 fatty acids present in certain fish protect against cardiovascular disease. The role of omega-6 and the proportion that it is advisable to consume each day are less known.