If the urinary tract infection, or cystitis, can be treated with antibiotics, certain remedies can also help relieve this inflammation of the bladder, especially in summer when it is more frequent.
- Very painful, urinary tract infections or “cystitis” can be relieved by natural remedies, in addition to taking antibiotics.
- It is also advisable to drink plenty of water and avoid acidifying foods to relieve pain during urination.
What is cystitis?
A frequent but particularly painful pathology, urinary tract infection (also called “cystitis”) can affect several organs of the urinary system: the bladder, but also the urethra, kidneys and prostate. It is women who are mainly affected by urinary tract infections, caused by bacteria. These can go up along the urethra towards the bladder and proliferate in the urine.
Various symptoms then appear, including burning during urination and an urgent need to urinate. Pain in the pelvis and, sometimes, the presence of blood or pus in the urine can be noticed.
If taking antibiotics is strongly recommended when the urinary tract infection persists for more than three days or if it recurs in the following weeks, certain natural treatments can relieve the symptoms.
To drink a lot of water
To evacuate the bacteria present in the urine, it is advisable to drink plenty of water, at least 2 liters per day. Water also helps soothe burning pain during urination.
Give preference to diuretic drinks
Certain drinks, such as plain green tea or artichoke tea, are also recommended for their ability to increase urinary secretion.
Eat parsley and thyme
Renowned for its antibacterial properties, thyme can also be consumed in the form of an infusion, approximately every 4 hours.
Parsley, meanwhile, can be eaten chopped in salads or hot dishes. Rich in vitamin C, it also has antibacterial and immunostimulant properties.
Consume alkaline fruits and vegetables
Summer is the ideal time to consume alkaline foods, that is to say foods that preserve the body by maintaining a better acid-base balance. Grapes, apricots, figs, bananas, avocado, dates, strawberries, raspberries, peaches and apples are among the most alkaline fruits. As for vegetables, it is recommended to consume asparagus, beets, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, cucumbers, spinach, salad, potatoes, green beans, peppers, radishes and turnips.
Conversely, it is recommended to reduce your consumption of acidifying foods such as dairy products, cold cuts, red meat, alcohol, foods containing gluten, coffee and refined sugars, which may aggravate the condition. urinary tract infection.
Bet on the cranberry
Also called cranberry, this little red berry has long sparked heated debate about its therapeutic virtues. The studies on its benefits – in juice, pills or syrups – kept contradicting each other. A study published in 2016 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition however, concluded that a single glass of 240 ml – a large glass – of cranberry juice would reduce the risk of a recurrence of the urinary tract infection by 40%.