Loss of memory or difficulty performing a task, stroke causes brain damage and cognitive decline equivalent to aging for 8 years.
Researchers at the University of Michigan (United States) conducted a study with 4,900 people aged 65 who had a stroke. To establish the link between stroke and aging of the brain, they compared cognitive tests performed before and after the accident.
The results of this study reveal that stroke has a real impact on cognitive decline. Scientists have found that all people are affected equally by this decline and that test responses are worse after the accident. Indeed, stroke would accelerate cerebral aging of 8 years and more particularly affect memory and speed of execution.
Stroke in numbers
First cause of physical disability and second cause of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease, stroke affects an average of 130,000 people per year in France, causing 33,000 deaths. More than 77,000 victims suffer sequelae until the end of their life (aphasia, memory problems, etc.). Faced with a stroke, we have 4:30 to take action. Every minute counts from the first symptom and the prognosis of a person suffering from stroke depends on the speed of its management.
Prevent stroke
These figures could be reduced because, doctors believe that 80% of stroke or relapses could undoubtedly be avoided, either by having a better hygiene of life (stop smoking, limit alcohol, eat balanced and do at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day) or by following his medical treatment correctly when ‘one suffers from a chronic disease such as diabetes, cholesterol or high blood pressure.
Read also:
Video: the consequences of a stroke on the body
Stroke: a hair clip to prevent them?
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