The B2V Memory Observatory deciphers 7 preconceived ideas about memory.
- The B2V Observatory of Memories deciphers preconceived ideas about human memory.
- Memory makes it possible to record information from various experiences and events, to preserve it and to restore it.
- Different neural networks are involved in this process.
Memory, like so many other subjects, faces many preconceived ideas. How to separate fact from fiction? The B2V Observatory of Memories helps us see things more clearly.
1 – Memory performance is linked to brain weight
❌ False. Performance in the area of memory is not linked to the weight or volume of the brain but rather to the greater or lesser development of the connections between neurons.
2 – Turmeric and/or red fruits improve information entry
❌ False. No scientific study has proven the impact of these foods on memory, although it is true that they are rich in antioxidants.
3 – The older we get, the more negative memories we remember
❌ False, it’s the opposite. The older we get, the more memories become idealized. It is not a psychological posture or a decided detachment: the work of the body naturally favors the maintenance as a priority of positive memories that have occurred in the life of the individual, with the exception of very intense negative experiences.
4 – The recovery of memories is a reconstruction
✅ True. Memory is built over time. New memories generate traces that link to previous ones, which can generate errors. For example, we can confuse events from the last summer holidays with events from other summer holidays or no longer place them at the correct time if the location is identical. Other situation: two sisters may have different childhood memories.
5 – Memory is limitless
❌ ✅ True and false. The capacity of short-term memory, that is to say the memory used to quickly manipulate information such as repeating a telephone number out loud, is limited. On the other hand, long-term memory cannot be saturated because the brain can create new connections endlessly.
6 – Blackout produces transient amnesia
✅ True. This phenomenon is observed in particular with intense and rapid consumption of alcohol, which interferes with chemical molecules useful for brain connections. From two grams in the blood, the risk is very high. This can also occur at a lower rate (related to gender, fat mass and speed of consumption).
7 – Anxiety, fatigue and lack of sleep lead to forgetting (keys, names, appointments, etc.)
✅ True. In cases of anxiety, fatigue and lack of sleep, attention disorders cause difficulty memorizing and retrieving memories.