Dating apps like Tinder and Grindr promote dating, but not only. These two applications seem to increase the number of STIs.
The researchers have in fact found that since the appearance on the net of these two applications, HIV contamination has increased by 33% in Rhode Island, that of syphilis by 79% and urinary tract infections have increased by 30%.
“This increase has been attributed to risky behaviors that have become more prevalent in recent years and which can be found in particular in the use of dating applications, used to arrange appointments between strangers”, explains Nicole Alexander Scott. , the director of the study in a press release.
The most affected populations
The conclusions of this study reveal that African-American populations, Latinos and young people aged 15 to 24 are the most affected by these risky behaviors and the increase in STIs.
“These new data underscore the importance of encouraging young people to speak with a doctor, nurse or educator about the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases before starting their sex life”, explains Rosemary Reilly-Chammat, the specialist of Sexuality from the Rhode Island Department of Health.
Essential prevention
The preservative should never be forgotten during sex until both partners have been tested. It is the only effective way to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
To recall this gesture of good health behavior, the Brazilian Ministry of Health took matters into its own hands and reacted to dating applications. Indeed, he created five fake profiles on Tinder to raise awareness among users. When two people talk to each other, a message automatically appears on the screen: “Warning, it is difficult to know who is carrying HIV. Have fun but take care of yourself. Or tries to trap the bad guys. “Seek to meet men and women for relationships without commitments, preferably without a condom” and are accompanied by attractive photos to attract the unconscious.
Read also:
STIs: what are the risks of transmission according to sexual practices?
Sex: how to make sex with a condom enjoyable?
IST: a new app to find a condom
Condoms: 5 taboo questions