RIVM has published a report with advice that leads to healthier living habits for the entire population. One of the recommendations is to increase the VAT on sugar bombs (such as soft drinks) and to lower the VAT on fruit and vegetables. This makes a healthier choice a more economical choice. Do you agree or disagree?
At sometime
The RIVM report writes that experts advise making unhealthy food more expensive and healthy food cheaper. Specifically, they propose a VAT exemption for Wheel of Five products, a sugar tax, true pricing and extra tax on ultra-processed food,’ the report said. Pricing measures work and that has been well demonstrated in research, according to the experts. People are clearly going to eat less sugar and more fruit and vegetables, if that is cheaper. The funny thing is that despite these facts there are no price measures in the National Prevention Agreement to stand. That is the plan of the government and other organizations, which should make us live healthier, so that we get sick less often. So it is high time for a price measure, because it really stimulates people to make healthier choices.
People can decide for themselves what they want to eat or drink, that is not the task of the government. Of course it is good if everyone knows what is healthy and what is not. You can provide information about this. But a price measure goes too far. Healthy living is not an obligation. It also creates inequality, because people with a small wallet would no longer be able to celebrate a birthday with cake, cola and chips. The excise duties on tobacco and liquor have also not had much impact on public health and have especially increased the treasury. In addition, this report also states that the sale of alcohol should only go to the liquor stores. That’s the culmination at its best.
What do you think?
Reply to the statement:
Statement: ‘Better extra VAT on soft drinks than on apples and tomatoes.’
- read more about Stelling: ‘I’d rather have extra VAT on soft drinks than on apples and tomatoes.’