A “junk food ranking” was carried out in the 32 largest French cities. Having a balanced diet is essential for good physical and psychological health.
- The rankings were established according to the number of fats-food per 1000 inhabitants
Flashs has partnered with the site Acontrecorps.coma young health and well-being media, in order to create a new “state of play of the malbouffe” within the 32 largest French cities. Conclusion: Bordeaux dominates this ranking, followed by Tours and Metz.
“Each year since 2016, we have carefully listed all the biggest fast food chains in the largest cities in France”, explain the authors of the study. “The objective being to warn about the gain in ground of the giants of junk food and to encourage cities to respond and find solutions concerning this mode of eating, the main vector of obesity among young people”, they continue.
16 fast food chains
The study was carried out on the 16 most present fast food chains in the 32 largest French cities. “We thus find the most popular chains: McDonald’s, Burger King and Quick (still separated this year despite the gradual merger), KFC, Paul, La Brioche Dorée, Domino’s Pizza, Subway, La Mie Câline, Starbucks, La Croissanterie, Pizza Hut, Pomme de Pain, O’Tacos, Bagelstein and Speed Burger”, detail the authors of the study.
Conclusion: it is Bordeaux that dominates this classification of Junk Food, with a density ratio of fast foods per 1000 inhabitants equal to 0.1959 against 0.1724 for Tours, which climbs this year to the second step of the podium. 6th in the ranking last year, Tours has seen its number of fast-food restaurants significantly increase: 0.1611 in 2020 against 0.1724 per 1000 inhabitants in 2021. A difference in ratio which is explained in particular by the opening of three new O’Tacos and the closure of a Quick restaurant. Metz, 3rd last year, retains its place on the last step of the podium this year. Ahead of Limoge (2nd last year which drops to 4th place), Lille and Brest, respectively 7th and 5th last year.
An unbalanced diet causes you to die younger
Having a balanced diet is essential for good physical and psychological health. For example, researchers recently demonstrated that people who consumed too many products poorly rated by the Nutri-Score had increased mortality (total mortality and mortality linked to cancer or diseases of the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems).