Now that the corona measures have been relaxed and the worst peak seems to be behind us, it remains important to keep an eye on whether the virus does not flare up again. This is possible with the ‘corona dashboard’ of De Rijksoverheid. The developments regarding the corona virus are recorded on the basis of five indicators.
on the dashboard you can see, among other things, how many IC admissions and hospital admissions there have been in the past three days, how many people are infected and an estimate of the current number of contagious people in the Netherlands. In addition, the reproduction number is also displayed, the number that shows how many people are infected by one corona patient.
The five indicators each have a critical limit, based on studies by the national government, the RIVM and the GGDs. If the numbers remain below that limit for a long time, the virus is considered to be under control. Should one of the indicators go beyond that limit, then action must be taken with new/different measures. If the indicators are raised, it is therefore also possible to intervene in time.
The dashboard contains both national and regional figures. It is still a first version. In the coming weeks there will be more numbers and features added.
The corona dashboard can be viewed here.
Source:, central government.