Stay fit with exercises
Aging brings with it a number of natural, physical changes. As age progresses, muscle strength and fitness automatically decrease. By exercising regularly, you can slow down this process.
There are many reasons to make more exercise a top priority. Here the main ones:
- Exercise is the most effective ‘anti-aging pill’ ever invented.
- Regular exercise helps strong bones to keep. Reduces the chance of breaking something if you fall.
- Strong muscles give you the strength to lift, carry and hug your grandchildren.
- Movement helps against almost all discomforts and aches. Arthritis gives stiffness, for example. Stretching exercises and light exercise can help you stay limber and mobile.
- Regular exercise also helps control chronic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes.
- A good workout will make you feel great, look great and, on top of that, it’s good for your libido too!
pay attention
Exercise is good at any age. But the workouts you used to do are now too intense. You will have to take that into account. The following things to keep in mind if you start training after your 50th birthday:
- Longer warm-up.
- Slow build up.
- Pay extra attention to correct breathing.
- Less intensive workouts.
- Both the conditiontraining strength, coordination and flexibility.
- More attention to balance.
Basic rules for effective and safe training
- If necessary, consult a doctor before starting training.
- Always do a good warm-up first, such as stepping on the spot fanatically.
- Perform all movements in a controlled manner throughout the exercise.
- Continue to breathe well throughout the exercise.
- Always use the correct technique.
- Use the correct number of reps. Don’t exhaust yourself, but don’t make it too easy on yourself either.
- Perform all exercises within a pain-free range of motion.
- Maintain a neutral position of the back and all joints.