Soybean oil: the cheapest
What is soybean oil?
Soy is a plant of the legume family native to China and well known for its many uses, especially as part of a vegetarian diet (tofu, soy milk, etc.). The oil is extracted from soybeans.
The benefits
Soybean oil is rich in essential fatty acids, especially linolenic acid, which play an important role in the renewal of body and brain cells. The omega 3 and 6 ratio is fairly balanced.
Virgin soybean oil also helps prevent bad cholesterol and cardiovascular disease: it is rich in lecithins, known for their cholesterol-lowering action.
Soybean oil has a fairly neutral taste that allows it to be used in many preparations. Be careful, however: this fragile oil can only be used cold and must not be heated. Also remember to keep it in the refrigerator.
Organic virgin soybean oil – Bio Planète – 8, 45 € for 50 cl
Squash oil: rich in Omega 6
What is squash oil?
Squash oil is extracted from the seeds of the squash, which belongs to the cucurbits family. Pumpkin, pumpkin, colocynth: these large fruits are squash!
The benefits
Pumpkin seed oil has a high omega 6 content. The presence of essential fatty acids helps to balance the diet of unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. For balance, however, it is better to alternate with an oil rich in omega 3 such as rapeseed oil.
The phytosterols contained in pumpkin seed oil would also be useful in the fight against enlarged prostate and dental caries.
Pumpkin seed oil has a strong taste and a fruity aroma. It goes wonderfully with salads, hot or cold vegetables and poultry. However, avoid heating it: it will become bitter and lose some of its benefits.
If possible, store it in the refrigerator.
Grilled organic pumpkin seed oil – Bio Planète – € 13.95 for 25 cl
Safflower oil: for vitamin E
What is safflower oil?
Safflower oil is extracted from the seeds of the dyers safflower, a plant in the same family as the sunflower. It is from this plant that carthamine, a powerful yellow and red dye, is also extracted.
The benefits
Rich in essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, safflower oil is a natural source of omega 6. It also contains an interesting amount of vitamin E.
For a good balance, consider consuming safflower oil alternately with an oil rich in omega 3, such as rapeseed or camelina oil.
With its mild flavor and slightly fruity taste, safflower oil can be used easily, in many preparations. Be careful, however, not to cook it: it cannot withstand heat. Also remember to keep it in the refrigerator.
Organic safflower oil – Bio Planète – € 4.55 for 50 cl
Camelina oil: for your salads
Camelina oil, what is it?
Camelina oil is one of the oldest edible oils! It is extracted from a plant also called bastard flax or German sesame, a plant of the cruciferous family.
The benefits
Camelina oil contains a high content of omega 3. It is also rich in omega 6, vitamin E and phytosterols. It promotes skin regeneration and helps reduce cardiovascular, respiratory and bone problems. It is a very well balanced oil!
With its scent similar to that of cabbage, camelina oil is particularly suitable for seasoning various salads and in particular mushrooms. It is not recommended to cook it.
Organic camelina oil – Emile Noël – € 9.8 for 25 cl
Hemp oil: an anti-cholesterol oil
Hemp oil, what is it ?
This oil is extracted from the seeds of hemp, a herbaceous plant of Asian origin also called hemp seed oil. Marijuana comes from the same plant, but the levels of THC, the active substance in hemp, are not the same. It therefore has no amazing property.
The benefits
Hemp oil contains omega 3 and 6, at a balanced rate which makes it an interesting oil from a nutritional point of view, in particular for regulating cholesterol and protecting the body from cardiovascular diseases.
With its light flavor of hazelnut and spices, this oil is perfect for seasoning your raw vegetables, carpaccios and fish. On the other hand, it should not be cooked: it is very fragile.
Organic virgin hemp oil – Emile Noël – 10, 6 € for 25 cl