December 13, 2016.
Skin-to-skin contact is more frequent in countries lacking in funds, particularly when receiving premature babies. Developed countries would benefit from (re) discovering it. And for good reason…
Skin-to-Skin Benefits for Babies
A team of researchers funded by the Canadian government has just demonstrated, in a study published in the journal Pediatrics, that the practice of skin to skin – in addition to giving warmth, confidence, love to babies – offers better health and more chances of success as young adults.
The research looked at 264 babies born prematurely between 1993 and 1996 in Bogota. Twenty years later, the researchers reconnected with these people and carried out tests, classifying them into two categories: those who had benefited from skin-to-skin treatment and those who had been placed in an incubator at birth.
Results without appeal
“3.5% more success on IQ tests. Brain volume is also larger, proof of good brain development ”, can we read on the site of LCI, before pointing out the difference in school absenteeism between the two groups (50% less for those who have had skin to skin), the best salary as an adult.
In addition to saving many lives at birth, the behavioral differences are very marked. Children who have not had this contact are generally more aggressive, more impulsive and hyperactive. ” The protective effects are still significant twenty years later, whether social or behavioral. We are convinced that this technique is effective, scientific evidence to support it and it has the advantage of being able to be practiced in all environments ”, explains Dr Nathalie Charpak of the Kangaroo Foundation, who took part in the work.
Most importantly, children who benefited from this method would have twice the chance of reaching their twentieth birthday.
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