The shortage of pediatric amoxicillin is becoming increasingly felt in pharmacies: the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) explains that there are “strong tensions, even stock shortages” with this antibiotic.
- Pediatric amoxicillin is “subject to strong tensions, even stock shortages”, according to the ANSM.
- The 500 mg/5 ml and 250 mg/5 ml oral solutions are the most affected.
- Some pharmacists believe that the situation is “worse than last winter.”
Despite their alert last October, the scenario feared by the Union of Community Pharmacists’ Unions seems to be looming. Pediatric amoxicillin is very rare in their drawers. Asked by The Parisianthe National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) recognizes that the antibiotic does “the subject of strong tensions, even stock shortages”.
Amoxicillin: the situation continues to develop degrade in pharmacies
Stocks ofamoxicillin in pharmacies are low. And,“the situation continues to deteriorate” recognize LANSM, particularly for the oral solution prescribed to children.
According to data from winter monitoring plan for drug tensions of the health organization published on its site and updated on December 13, wholesale distributors have less than three days of stock ofamoxicillin drinkable for 500 versions mg/5 ml and 250 mg/5 ml. Pharmacies face similar challenges: less than three days of stock for the first format and three to seven days for the second.
According to the ANSM, two thirds of pharmacies were out of stock on December 8. For its part, the Syndicate Chamber of Pharmaceutical Distribution (CSRP) explained to the daily that less than one agency in five could deliver to the pharmacies which ordered the antibiotics.
Amoxicillin shortage: a “worse situation that last winter”
These tensions lead pharmacists to contact laboratories directly. “L’ANSM asked them to sell a maximum of 20% of their production directly, so that distribution remains as equitable as possible”said Emmanuel DéchinGeneral Delegate of the CSRP At Parisian. He added that a “provision of the majority of industrial stocks in the distribution agencies, as close as possible to pharmacies and patients, was taken collectively” during a meeting on December 13.
But for certain professionals in the sector, the situation would be “Worse than last winter.“ At the microphone of BFM TVthe pharmacist Éric Myon told : “Last winter, we were faced with a shortage of antibiotics, mainly amoxicillin in its pediatric version, then in its adult version. There, although it is not even mid-December, the need for antibiotics is still higher than last year and stocks are even lower”.
This medicine is mainly used in the treatment of various infectious diseases, including the nose, throat, ears, lungs, bronchi, urinary tract, joints and teeth.