It’s no secret: France lacks doctors. Thus, according to a report by the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (DREES) published in September 2021, 1.7 million French people live in a medical desert – and, contrary to popular belief, this problem does not only concern the campaign!
To combat this ever-worsening shortage, the High Council for the Future of Health Insurance (HCAAM) offers a solution: the “continuing to work after age 65” French doctors.
“Create favorable conditions” to encourage doctors to stay in business
In a report published this Tuesday, September 6, 2022, the HCAAM justifies this surprising proposal: “to cross the threshold of the next ten years, while waiting for the increase in training capacities to produce its effects, doctors must be kept in activity as much as possible“.
Yes, but here it is: how to encourage doctors to continue working after retirement age? For the HCAAM, this “presupposes the creation of favorable conditions“, For example “lighter formulas“: no participation in on-call duty in the evenings and weekends, chosen schedules, a salaried position relieved of “management expenses“from the office…
Will this suggestion be well received by health professionals? Not so sure. According to a DREES survey published in May 2018, 47% of French doctors are aged 55 and over, and 30% are over 60 years old.
Source :The Parisian