Exit covered condoms produced by Polidis are now reimbursed up to 60% by health insurance.
To fight against the resurgence of sexually transmitted diseases, a second brand of condoms is now paid for. after the condom Eden manufactured by Majorelle, the condoms Go out covered produced by Polidis will be reimbursed up to 60% by health insurance, provided you have a prescription from a doctor or a midwife.
Sold for 2 euros per box of 12, the product will ultimately cost less than one euro. This provision, published in the Official Journal on February 19, comes into force today.
“The only effective method against STIs”
One in two young French people do not protect themselves during sexual intercourse, while the condom is “the only effective method against STIs, including AIDS”, recalls the High Authority for Health (HAS). 48% of students and 20% of high school students do not use it every time they have sex. As a result, the number of sexually transmitted diseases tripled between 2012 and 2016.
In 2016, the number of people diagnosed with a Chlamydia infection was estimated at 267,097, a rate of 491 per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the latest Public Health France survey. A predominance of the infection is observed in women (592/100,000 versus 380/100,000 in men). Young women aged 15-24 are the most affected, particularly in Ile-de-France and in the Overseas Departments.
Serious complications
In addition, the data show that the number of diagnoses of Chlamydia and gonococcal infection in 2016 was multiplied by 3 compared to estimates for the year 2012. These pathologies, which are transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse, are very contagious and can lead to serious complications (chronic pelvic pain, sterility, weakening of the mucous membranes and increased risk of HIV contamination, mother-to-child transmission, etc.).
Regarding AIDS, still incurable today, “the number of new contaminations has remained stable from one year to another for several years (about 6,000 infections per year)” but “the epidemic is no longer declining”, indicates the National AIDS Council. “Risk behaviors and practices persist but are found at varying levels in all age groups, and young adults are not spared,” lament the experts.
“zero new HIV infections”
With the reimbursement of condoms, the National Health Strategy 2018-2022 of the government thus aims for the objective of “zero new HIV infections and the elimination of STIs as major public health problems by 2030”. Within France, 108 million condoms are sold per year and 6 million are distributed free of charge. The brand Eden has been reimbursed by the public authorities since last June.