A new spermicidal gel created by American researchers would also have anti-viral and stimulating properties for the partner.
- A gel would combine the functions of contraception, hygiene and sexual stimulation
- Its effectiveness in contraception has reached 100% in the laboratory
Spermicides are often considered insufficiently effective and condoms uncomfortable. American researchers have invented a three-function contraceptive gel: it is spermicidal, anti-viral and is supposed to boost male libido. They describe its operation and effectiveness in the specialist journal Bioactive Materials.
A 100% effective contraceptive
“Adding pharmacologically active agents to contraceptive gels improves the sexual experience, and guarantees safety and hygiene“, indicates the scientific team. The gel produced contains three active substances: tenofovir, gossypol acetate and nitroglycerin. Gossypol has proven its contraceptive effectiveness in an in-vitro study on pig sperm. product is dosed at 10 mg/ml, it only takes 30 seconds for 100% of pig sperm to be neutralized As for tenofovir, it has an anti-viral function: in-vitro tests have confirmed this. research team, this proves its ability to protect against sexually transmitted diseases, without threatening the health of vaginal cells.
Results confirmed in a study on rats
The researchers then conducted a study on mice: one part was exposed to the gel, another made it possible to test gels already available for sale and the last part was a control group. None of the females given the new product became pregnant, compared to one mouse in the existing gel group. Statistically, the scientists indicate that the tri-function gel was 100% effective, compared to an average of 87% for other spermicides available on the market.
In parallel, the ability of the product to stimulate the libido of males was studied. And it was confirmed: the rats who received the product mated more frequently and their erections were of better quality. Faced with these various findings, the researchers are optimistic. “Our hope is that the tri-function gel can improve the safety and quality of sexual intercourse“, says the study’s lead author, Ke Cheng, of the University of North Carolina. In France, the pill remains the method of contraception most used by women, followed by the intrauterine device (IUD), according to the latest public health barometer Francepublished in 2016.