One in three French people achieve physical activity goals. Insufficient for the health authorities who publish recommendations adapted to each age.
“Eat, move” is one of the flagship slogans of the National Health Nutrition Program (PNNS). But it remains very little applied. The National Health Security Agency (ANSES) has once again noted this. Entered by the Directorate General of Health, it reviewed the physical activity benchmarks included in the PNNS which ended in 2015. It emerges from this. a series of recommendations precise and adapted to different age groups.
The benefits of regular physical activity are clearly demonstrated. But barely 37% of the adult population meets the targets. The finding is more worrying among minors: 12% of adolescents aged 12-14 practice the recommended time every day. Conversely, the French spend far too much time inactive: on average, an adult remains seated for 3 to 4 hours in front of a screen for his leisure time.
Adults, pregnant women, children
France must therefore move more and the entire population is concerned. ANSES recommends that adults adopt a 30-minute rhythm of cardio-respiratory activity 5 days a week. “It is recommended to practice gradually”, specifies the opinion. In other words: warm-up and gradual increase in load for the less active. Better not to stop for two consecutive days, adds the Agency.
In terms of intensity, moderation is required but a few intense sessions can be added. In addition, muscle strengthening and flexibility exercises are recommended.
For the elderly, balance exercises can be done as a supplement. They help prevent falls.
Pregnant women represent a separate population, so the activity must be adapted. They too should exercise for 30 minutes but three times a week, with additional muscle building.
With regard to children, ANSES reiterates the importance of fighting against a sedentary lifestyle. The younger they are, the more they need to move: before the age of five, physical activity should reach 3 hours a day and a sedentary lifestyle should not exceed one hour. More tolerance is allowed after 6 years, but one hour of daily physical practice is still recommended.
Adapt the environment
Between work or school hours and personal life, getting physical activity is not easy. ANSES therefore underlines it: increasing one’s practice does not only involve sport. It also means carrying more loads, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, staying active at home… and, why not, taking the scooter instead of the bus?
So many simple measures to adapt to everyday life. Here again, the environment must be favorable. An additional pitfall for many French people. “ANSES stresses that the implementation of these recommendations encounters serious obstacles which relate in particular to town and country planning, modes of transport and the organization of time and work or school spaces. “, Notified the report. Development of spaces reserved for pedestrians and cyclists, promotion of public transport and organization of working time are part of the solutions to be provided initially.