Sex is good for health. That’s good, the FIFG reveals an improvement in the erotic activity and sexual fulfillment of the French during the second confinement!
- The proportion of French people having had sexual intercourse last month (70% in November) recorded a clear rebound compared to the spring (14 points).
- Among teleworkers, the practice of “5 to 7” of a new kind seems particularly widespread among young people under 25 (51%) and bosses (35%).
- 59% of French people confined alone but with a spouse or occasional sexual partner admit having found their partner at home or at home.
With the return of children to school, extended travel authorizations, a reduction in marital tensions and a more flexible application of telework, this second confinement seems to have been much better experienced by couples and singles than in the spring… in the spring. less under the duvet. “We observe an improvement in the erotic activity and sexual fulfillment of the French, who find themselves at levels very close to those observed before the health crisis”, note Ifop, which publishes a new study on the subject.
Very marked increase in the intimate relationships of single people
The proportion of French people having had sexual intercourse last month (70% in November) has thus recorded a clear rebound compared to the spring (+ 14 points compared to April) to the point of finding a low water level very similar to that observed before the first confinement (74%). And this resurgence of sexual activity, if it also concerns people in couples confined under the same roof (+4 points compared to April, at 83%), is above all the product of a very marked increase in intimate relationships between singles (+ 26 points compared to April, at 61%) and people in a couple but not living under the same roof as their spouse (+ 35 points compared to April, at 77%).
It must be said that the much more flexible travel rules than in the spring have enabled a number of French people confined alone to have relations with partners living outside their homes: 59% of French people confined alone but having a spouse or occasional sexual partner admit having found their partner at home or at home, i.e. a proportion almost twice as high as during the first confinement, if we stick to the data available for people in a couple non-cohabitants (45% in November, against 20% in April).
A significant number of teleworkers copulated at home during working hours
“And for couples, the slightest feeling of promiscuity within the homes – linked in particular to the absence of children during the day – may have given some an intimacy which was difficult for them to find during the first confinement”, writes Ifop.
This renewed intimacy is particularly apparent in the significant number of teleworkers having copulated at home during working hours: 34% on average among teleworkers confined with a spouse who is also teleworking, knowing that the practice of these “5 to 7” d a new gender seems particularly widespread among young people under 25 (51%) – usually more sexually active than average – but also in the ranks of business leaders (35%), who are generally much freer in managing their time.