May 26, 2003 – US health officials revealed this weekend that they were exploring all possible avenues, including studying substances used in traditional Chinese medicine, in their fight against SARS.
This admission comes at a time when, in Canada, the city of Toronto must deal with a resurgence of the disease. Eight new cases, including two deaths, have been reported in the past few days. Two other people also died after being infected in the first wave.
Catherine Laughlin, who heads the department of virology at the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told an assembly of the New York Academy of Sciences to be ready to study “any” substance if it appears to have properties. anti-SARS. Without identifying them, she notably affirmed that certain natural products, some of which are taken from the Chinese pharmacopoeia, seem promising (see the article of PasseportSanté.net on this subject, dated May 7, 2003).
Others, however, would have proved unnecessary, such as dried broccoli and oregano oil.
Recently, manufacturers of traditional Chinese medicines announced that, in the face of skepticism from the Western medical establishment, they were subjecting their products to formal clinical studies, in the hope of demonstrating their effectiveness (see l PassportSanté.net article on this subject, dated March 13, 2003).
Jean-Benoit Legault – PasseportSanté.net
According to Reuters, May 21, 2003.