Whether we practice running to keep in shape or in shape (or both), we always do it to take care of ourselves. Also, it is better to do it in the best conditions. And the pandemic obliges, more and more French people are running at home, on dedicated treadmills. But if they are obviously very practical, are these machines really good for us?
The mat: king of training
“The advantage of the treadmill is that it allows regular and adjustable effort, immediately attacks Gilles Mondoloni. The strides are always the same, no obstacle disturbs them.” A good thing, according to him, for our muscles and joints: “This way you avoid jolts, trauma or unforeseen movements which can lead, if you step over a puddle of water, for example, to strains. Especially since certain models are offered with damping surfaces.”
Another advantage: running on the carpet helps to heal the warm-up, frequently neglected outside and yet crucial to avoid injuries: “There is an idea of progressiveness which makes it possible not to start running too fast from the start, which is often the case. We also find this idea at the end of the session with the recovery programs, which we nor does it necessarily apply outside.”
In short, add to that an uninterrupted effort by traffic lights or other racers, and you have a racing mode “very safe for training”. Which is, like everything, beneficial as long as it is not abused…
Watch out for overtraining and comfort
“On a carpet, as long as you have a screen or headphones on, you run in another world, very comfortable. You may therefore be tempted to run a lot and fall into overtraining.” Who, him, can cause physical glitches.
Moreover, if the caloric consumption inside and outside is relatively similar, you will lose a little more weight by favoring the real conditions: “If only because you are struggling with the cold and the wind.” On the other hand, every medal has its downside, and the irregularity of the terrain encountered outside also allows you to work better “all of the muscular sectors.” This is why we advise you not to confine yourself to one and the same way of running. In particular – beyond physico-caloric considerations – if you want to progress on a strict sporting level!
Read also:
- Can’t finish your run? Here are 6 tips!
- Running: these mistakes to avoid when you start
- Weight loss: 6 tips to keep running in winter