With the onset of winter, snow invites itself on the road, and you will have to fall on snow clearing machines. Their very weak pace can make some motorists lose patience. So, can we double them? L’argus offers you a small revision of the Highway Code.
The snow did not wait for the winter season to show the end of its flakes. Since November, the roads have been covered in places with a thick white coat. The snow plow ball is therefore officially open! Be aware that when approaching these machines there are some basic rules to follow.
The authorized overrun?
Although it can be annoying due to their poor pace, it is strictly forbidden to overtake snow clearing machines ” in action “ (article R414-17 of the Highway Code). Trucks are at work when their blue flashing lights are on at the rear. By overtaking snow plows and other spreaders, you will be driving on untreated pavement. And the risk of losing control of your vehicle will increase. Moreover, the Highway Code stipulates that in case of non-compliance with the rule the driver is punishable by a fine of 135 euros.
The choice is yours, instead drive in the tracks of snow-clearing machines, at a good distance all the same so as not to damage your bodywork. ” The passage of your car contributes to the mixing of the salt. By driving in the tracks of the salt spreaders, you prolong the action of the salt on the pavement », Recalls Vinci Autoroutes.
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