According to a new study from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi (India), practicing yoga on an almost daily basis (i.e. at least 5 times a week) would relieve the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Yoga would also help patients affected by this chronic inflammatory disease to suffer less from depression.
2 hours of yoga, 5 times a week
For this study, Prof. Rima Dada and his colleagues followed 72 people with rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease which primarily attacks the tissue around the joints. These patients all continued to follow their drug treatment but were divided into two groups: one of the groups participating, in addition to the treatment, in yoga sessions 120 minutes, five times a week, for 8 weeks.
Researchers evaluated the results of this yoga practice on the disease itself and on depressive symptoms. At the end of the 8 weeks, they noticed an improvement in markers of inflammation, cellular health and cellular aging, proving that yoga had a positive effect on those who practiced it. “In addition, it reduces the severity of depression by promoting neuroplasticity. Thus, in this inflammatory arthritis with a major psychosomatic component, yoga could be used as a complementary therapy.” Dr Dada explained.
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