On the occasion of World Arthritis Day, October 12, 2018, a federation of research associations, doctors and patients is organizing a meeting with researchers working on these diseases.
“Together Against Rheumatism”, a federation of research and patient associations, is organizing 2 live web-conferences between patients and researchers and doctors who work on the different forms of rheumatism. These interactive webconferences will be held on World Rheumatism Day, October 12, 2018.
Each conference (“new cellular and tissue biotherapies” and “gene-environment interactions, particularly in the early phase of rheumatoid arthritis”) will last 1h30 and will allow Internet users to ask all their questions live. Simply register.
” Together Against Rheumatism aims to promote medical research which is making great strides year after year in all disciplines: immunology, inflammation, genetics, clinical epidemiology, biotechnologies… However, the share of research, national or international, devoted to rheumatism remains still insufficient in the face of the challenges posed by these chronic painful diseases.
Better fight against rheumatism
Rheumatism and musculoskeletal diseases affect more than a quarter of the European population and represent the leading cause of disability in adults, but also in children. The “Together Against Rheumatism” (ECR) initiative has for several years brought together numerous patient associations, researchers (INSERM and Arthritis Foundation), health professionals (French Society of Rheumatology) to communicate on the need to recognize the prevention and the treatment of rheumatism and musculoskeletal diseases as a public health priority.
Two live web conferences
For its fifth edition, the “Together against rheumatism” initiative is evolving to organize a web conference. A modern way to reach people whose illness makes it difficult to travel anywhere in France and abroad. It will always be a meeting between researchers and patients and exchanges will remain possible by means of a live “chat”, between researchers and Internet users. A place has been reserved for these exchanges during the sessions.
As every year, the associative partners chose the two themes on which the exchanges between the patients and the researchers or the clinicians will focus: “new cellular and tissue biotherapies” and “gene-environment interactions, particularly in the early phase. of rheumatoid arthritis”.
Scientific advances, new areas of research, expected benefits for patients, patient participation in research, ethical issues… all these issues will be discussed without restriction.
A particularly interesting “webinar” but one that needs to be register to participate live, and to see or see again in “replay”.
The website Together Against Rheumatism