The number of retired city doctors has increased by 56% in six years, according to Carmf. They were less than 40,000 in July 2010. They received, on average, a pension of 2,620 €.
As of July 1, 2016, there were 62,490 retired doctors in France, according to the latest figures from the Autonomous Retirement Fund for Doctors of France (Carmf). This figure is up 56% in six years, as the workforce was below 40,000 in July 2010.
In more detail, 43% are under 70 years old, and 79% of them are men. The average age of men is 73.63 years while that of retired women doctors is 72.01 years.
And according to Carmf, this trend will increase. It already predicts that the number of retired practitioners will continue to increase sharply over the next ten years, the vast majority of active contributors (55,000, men and women combined) are aged 55 to 64 years.
The supplementary plan, the essentials of retirement
And they already know what to expect, because Carmf writes that retired physicians received a retirement pension of € 2,620 for the month of June 2016. With € 1,165, the complementary scheme makes up most of it with 44% of the average Carmf retirement paid to the doctor. The ASV (old age social benefit) scheme amounts to an average of € 909 (35%) followed by the basic scheme in the amount of € 546, or 21% of the average pension paid. In addition, more than 20,000 retired surviving spouses receive a survivor’s pension of 1,155 euros for the month of June 2016.
To increase these incomes, some have chosen to continue their liberal activity. For others, it is sometimes the absence of a successor that has forced them to postpone stopping their profession. As of July 1, 2016, these doctors totaled 11,520 (+ 15% in a year and a half), and nearly 2/3 are under 70 years old. The over 70s in combined retirement / liberal activity are 3,942. Women represent only 18% of this workforce.
The feminization of active physicians continues
As of July 1, 2016, women represented nearly 36% of French liberal doctors. They are almost 6 years younger on average than men and are in the majority in the young age groups: around 58% of those under 40.