June 9, 2004 – A case-control study1 The double-blind study, conducted over six weeks with 45 people aged 19 to 78, tends to show that Reiki would reduce the symptoms of depression and that its effects would be felt for up to a year after treatment.
Special fact, both Reiki practiced in person and Reiki from a distance2 appear to have yielded positive results.
The author of this study had two objectives: first to verify the effect of Reiki energy therapy on people requiring treatment for depression and psychological stress and then to verify the long-term effect.
After being selected on the basis of their psychological distress, the participants were randomly separated into three groups. People in the first group received Reiki treatments in person, while those in the second group took part in remote Reiki sessions. In the third group, which served as a control group, participants were simulated remote Reiki treatment (placebo).
Prior to the randomization of the groups, the participants were informed that during the Reiki sessions in person, they could receive real or false treatments. We wanted everyone to be convinced that during remote Reiki sessions, they were receiving real treatments. For each remote Reiki session (real or placebo), participants had to lie down dressed on a table.
During the clinical trials, each participant received one Reiki treatment per week (lasting 60 to 90 minutes), by one of the twelve therapists chosen for the experiment. They had to practice identical techniques in order to reduce the risk of distortion of the study.
Before each treatment, participants were asked to answer a questionnaire that measured their condition, based on three factors: the extent of depression, according to the Beck Depression Inventory; the degree of hopelessness, according to the Beck Hopelessness Scale; and perceived stress level, based on the Perceived Stress Scale.
Then, a year later, the people answered the same questionnaire, in order to check their condition according to the same three measures.
By multiple analysis of variance (or manova), a significant decrease in all three measures (depression, hopelessness and perceived stress) was observed in the participants in groups 1 and 2, both during clinical trials and over one year. late. Those in the control group showed no significant variation.
Martin LaSalle – PasseportSanté.net
1. Shore AG, Long-Term Effects of Energetic Healing on Symptoms of Psychological Depression and Self-Perceived Stress, 2004 May-Jun; 10 (3): 42-8. To get the full study: Alternative Therapies, May / June, Vol. 10, No 3, 2004, pp 42 to 48.
2. In remote Reiki, the practitioner is not on site during the session: he proceeds by visualizing his patient who, for his part, puts himself in a state of receptivity, on an energized table.