Muslims began the Ramadan fast on May 27. Those infected with HIV should take special care.
Since May 27, Muslims in France have been fasting while the sun is shining. Ramadan begins at a difficult period for believers: in addition to the strong heat which falls on the country, the days are getting longer. Some devotees are particularly vulnerable to these demanding conditions. This is the case for people infected with HIV. “This fast can lead to weakening of the body”, specifies the platform AIDS Info Service.
The side effects
In the case of HIV, as with many chronic diseases, a medical consultation is recommended before starting the fast (see box). But the peculiarity of the virus makes the situation difficult for HIV-positive Muslims. Indeed, according to the therapeutic scheme, the catches can be spaced 8 to 12 hours apart. A spacing that does not allow the schedules of Ramadan 2017.
When drugs have to be taken three times a day, fasting is impossible, says Sida Info Service. Especially since the majority of treatments are to be taken during a meal. This helps reduce side effects. It is therefore recommended to shift it to a more favorable period, where the nights are longer. This same advice applies to seropositive patients whose treatment is spread over two doses.
Two high-risk situations
The only population that can follow Ramadan is the one that only takes their medication once a day. Even in this situation, Sida Info Service invites Muslims to consult a doctor or contact its telephone platform (0 800 840 800). Medical advice is essential in the context of an HIV infection, because treatments are not always compatible with prolonged fasting or frequent meals.
Fasting is totally contraindicated in two situations: immunity below 500 CD4 and the presence of an opportunistic disease. Prolonged deprivation favors the weakening of the organism and the occurrence of pathologies. However, “fasting is not an obligation when it involves the vital prognosis, recalls Sida Info Service. As a substitute, patients must offer alms to those in need, the equivalent of a meal at 5 euros.
Difficult to reconcile fasting and chronic illnesses
In the event of chronic illness, the Koran provides for an exceptional regime. In fact, certain pathologies are profoundly incompatible with a prolonged fast. This is the case with epilepsy, where hypoglycemia promotes seizures. The problem also arises with drugs used to treat chronic conditions, which can be dangerous. In diabetics, for example, the use of treatments that lower blood glucose is at high risk during periods of fasting. On the other hand, the simple fact of not eating for a long time is in itself a risk factor, which can weaken the patient.