Before issuing a final report on children’s exposure to radiofrequencies, ANSES launched a public consultation on the subject.
Radio frequencies have been the subject of health and environmental concerns for several years in France and abroad. To understand and assess health risks, the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (ANSES) launched last Tuesday a public consultation on the pre-final report “Radiofrequency exposure and children’s health”.
By bringing this text to the attention of members of the scientific community and interested stakeholders, the Agency wishes to collect their possible comments, which may, after analysis, be taken into account in the preparation of an expert report. . All the comments collected and studied by the ANSM will be presented in a table.
List radio products
For the Agency, the objectives are clear. It is above all a question of carrying out an inventory of the various radioelectric products intended for children, but also of providing an inventory of the regulations in force, of analyzing the scientific publications concerning the influence of the electromagnetic field on individuals, and finally, to assess the health risks for children exposed to these waves. A preliminary version of the report is already available on the Agency’s website until July 20.
Since 2003, ANSES has published opinions and collective expert reports in the field of radiofrequencies. Today, “article L.5231-4 of the public health code, created by article 183 of the“ Grenelle II ”law of July 12, 2010 on a national commitment to the environment, provides for the possibility of prohibit, by order of the Minister responsible for health, the placing on the market of radioelectric devices intended for children, ”recalls the ANSES. The response methods can be found directly on the Agency’s website.