By following our 5 very simple and effective tips. Otherwise, you almost certainly risk gaining a few pounds: 2 or 3 corresponding to your actually normal weight (a smoker is often underweight) and 2 or 3 because you risk replacing the tobacco by “something to eat”. In addition, when you stop smoking, your metabolism changes and you store more. Often, we try to take care of the hands and the mouth, so we nibbles. To avoid disaster, here are the best tips:
Chew gum.
Always have an apple in your desk drawer or in your purse. Bite in an emergency.
Stop eating dessert (or skip it at least 1 out of 2 meals if you were addicted. Then 2 out of 3 meals, etc.).
Drink 1 liter of water rich in magnesium every day.
Avoid alcohol. Furthermore, alcohol and coffee call smoking.