The majority (64%) of patients with psoriasis have been victims of discrimination, according to a survey carried out by Opinion Way for the France Psoriasis association. And this in a professional, family, friendly or during a sexual relationship. As a result, a third of the patients questioned say they have withdrawn into themselves.
Indeed, the 3 million French people with psoriasis are victims of many preconceived ideas. Forced to live with a disease which cannot be cured (but which to heal), they also suffer a double penalty. They would have difficulty socializing for fear of being judged as contagious, psychologically weak and even sometimes dirty. They endure daily avoidance in the world of work, public spaces and even experience rejection in the life of a couple and family.
Moreover, 4 out of 10 French people say they prefer keep their distance with people with psoriasis and 5% of French people still believe that psoriasis is a contagious disease, according to another study by the association.
This new survey proves once again that there is real discrimination against patients affected by this dermatological disease in the world of work and within their entourage.
The results of this survey reveal that 40% of patients have been victims of discrimination in the professional context and only one third (29%) in their circle of friends and family. They are manifested most often (64%) by derogatory comments, physical rejection (35%) and more rarely (7%) by barriers to career development.
To combat these misconceptions and discrimination, 76% of patients said they wanted the public to be more aware of this disease. More than half (57%) of patients also want better recognition of the pathology and 34% of patients ask for more support from the Ministry of Health.
“Which is why we are appealing to the Government with the establishment of a petition addressed to Marisol Touraine” explains the association in a press release.
“The objective: to have psoriasis recognized as a public health issue and to include it in the government’s health agenda following the recent resolution of the World Health Organization, recognizing psoriasis as a serious disease”.
Read also :
Psoriasis: what are the treatments?
Psoriasis: sun… but in small doses
Psoriasis: a campaign to fight misconceptions