Cycling is beneficial for health but not without precaution …
Indeed, half an hour each day of cycling can reduce cardiovascular risks by half! Its practice also helps maintain good muscular endurance. Obviously to obtain these results, it is not a question of tackling every day such steep slopes as Mont Ventoux, but of a moderate practice and carried out in full SE-CU-RI-TE …
I imagine you are not talking about the practice of the exercise bike (!)
No, but the majority of people who choose to cycle in town. Because unfortunately, despite their low number in the streets, 5% of those killed and 6% of seriously injured in urban areas are cyclists … And when we talk about seriously injured, most suffer from head trauma …
I see you coming, you are going to prescribe a helmet to all listeners who wish to use their bicycles!
Alas, it is not that simple! While everyone agrees that wearing a helmet improves their safety, few people do, only 13% according to a recent Inserm study.
What if we made a free helmet available to people?
This is what Inserm researchers wanted to know, who observed the behavior of 1,800 cyclists in the streets of Bordeaux. Participants aged 18 to 75 answered a questionnaire about their practices and opinions regarding bicycles and helmets. Then they were divided into 4 groups: the first received a brochure promoting the wearing of helmets, the second, a free helmet; the third the brochure and the helmet; and the last group received nothing.
So, is giving a helmet effective, is behavior changing?
No, it’s almost hopeless, because in this experience, the majority of cyclists abandon the helmet… Certainly, in the first weeks, the wearing of a helmet was observed 8 times more often among those who had received one. But after four months, no difference was observed between the different groups. An encouraging point: wearing a helmet does not increase risk taking. In other words, cyclists do not ride faster, do not take more in the wrong direction.
What if wearing a helmet became compulsory?
The researchers asked the question. If this measure were applied, only 3% of cyclists declared to store their bike in the attic or cellar… and 13% declared that they would not respect the instructions… In fact, according to the study, the real click to bring a helmet is the pressure of relatives, family, the example of friends … So if you are convinced, do not hesitate to pass the message on.
Find out more
Aymery Constant. “Investigating helmet promotion for cyclists: results from a randomized study with observation of behavior, using a semi-automatic video system. “