A few months ago an American study published in the medical journal European Urology announced that there was an important link between the number of ejaculations and the Prostate cancer. For this study, researchers at Boston University (United States) followed nearly 32,000 men over a period of 18 years. During the study, 3,839 men were diagnosed with prostate cancer, and 384 of them died.
It is based on the results of this American study, which established that the risk of prostate cancer was about 20% lower in men who ejaculated at least 21 times per month, that the British health authorities (the NHS) encourage men over 40 to ejaculate between 13 and 21 times a month. According to scientists, the male orgasm would help reduce the number of aging cells that are more fragile and therefore more at risk of developing cancer.
The right frequency: between 13 and 21 ejaculations per month
“This large-scale study presents the strongest evidence to date on the beneficial role of ejaculation to prevent prostate cancer “, explains researcher Jennifer Rider, medical specialist from the School of Public Health at Boston University (United States). The researchers found that there was a significant reduction in the risk of prostate cancer of 10% in men aged 40 to 49 years reporting between 8 to 12 ejaculations per month, and of 20% in men reporting between 13 to 21 ejaculations, compared to those who ejaculated only 4-7 times in the same period.
It does not prevent cancer, it reduces the risk
This study joins the conclusions of researchers from the University of Montreal who revealed in the medical journal Cancer Epidemiology that more a man would have known sexually of women, the less risk he would have of developing this cancer. According to their results “When a man has dated more than 20 women in his life, his risk of developing prostate cancer is reduced by 28% (all types combined) and that of suffering from an aggressive type of cancer is reduced by 19%, compared to those who have only known one partner “.
the Prostate cancer is the leading male cancer with 71,000 new cases diagnosed each year in France. This cancer affects a total of 300,000 men and is the cause of nearly 8,870 deaths in our country.
Read also:
Yorgasm: the benefits of yoga on male sexuality
Against prostate cancer: a strong coffee
Can prostate trouble lead to sexual problems?