1: If you buy probiotics to keep cool, avoid breaking the cold chain for too long between
the pharmacy and your refrigerator. You can store the rest at room temperature, but once opened it is best to keep them cool as well.
2: Take your probiotics about half an hour before a meal or two hours after so that they don’t stay in the stomach for too long and reach the gut as quickly as possible.
3: Consume it every day in the form of cures of at least a month to get the most of their impact.
A daily guide
This book explains how to stock up on probiotics: in pharmacies, by finding the most suitable supplements for our pathology, but also by favoring certain foods.
“We all need probiotics and prebiotics”, Danièle Festy, ed. Leduc.s, 15.90? €.
Better understand micronutrition
Two series of booklets (Croquer la vie and Les Échos de la micronutrition collections) are available from micronutritionists, pharmacists who are members of the European Institute of Dietetics and Micronutrition, or downloadable from www.iedm.asso.fr. To unlock the secrets of probiotics.
Read also:
Probiotics to fight against vaginal yeast infection
Gastro: why does fermented milk do us good?
Food supplements that boost your well-being