Doing physical exercise such as running could help men who suffer from premature ejaculation improve their sexual performance.
- Physical exercise would be more effective than drugs in treating premature ejaculation.
- These would include running and pelvic floor strength training.
- The time needed to ejaculate would increase by one to three minutes on average with exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor.
71% of sexually active French people now admit having rapid ejaculatory problems, according to a FIFG survey. And, among the 25-34 age group, 66% of adults have had an experience of premature ejaculation in the past 12 months. This problem, which MSD Manual defines as ejaculation that occurs too early, generally before or shortly after penetration, therefore concerns a large part of the population of France.
Premature ejaculation affects many men
To treat premature ejaculation, men can undergo behavioral therapy during which the practitioner “reassures, explains the reasons for premature ejaculation, and teaches men strategies to delay ejaculation”, according to the MSD Manual. There are local drug treatments (to reduce sensitivity such as the application of a local anesthetic on the penis or the use of condoms), but also techniques to be applied during sexual intercourse and which allow, always according to the MSD Manual, to delay ejaculation by 5 to 10 minutes or even more in more than 95% of men.
But, according to a new study published in the journal Trends in Urology and Men’s Health, physical exercise could help men who suffer from premature ejaculation. To achieve this result, the researchers analyzed 54 studies published over the past 49 years, which included a total of 3,485 participants from around the world.
Physical exercise, a better remedy than drugs
“We know that premature ejaculation is a common problem for men all over the world, explains Lee Smith, lead author of this study, in a communicated. Our article is a comprehensive review of studies of non-drug interventions to treat this common problem and [nous avons observé] than physical exercise, including running and engaging the pelvic floor muscles [était un très bon moyen selon] several studies.” According the Professional Order of Physiotherapy of Quebecthe pelvic floor corresponds to the group of muscles located at the base of the pelvis.
Indeed, according to the results of the researchers, running for thirty minutes, five times a week, would have as much impact on the time necessary to ejaculate as taking dapoxetinea drug used to treat premature ejaculation.
Another observation of the scientists: strengthening your pelvic floor increased the time needed to ejaculate by an average of one to three minutes. For this, some contraction exercises of this area exist. “Since drugs often have side effects, it seems that the best treatment to avoid premature ejaculation is exercise, concludes Lee Smith. Further studies and investigations are needed.“