The European Commission has announced the introduction of “more realistic” anti-pollution tests on vehicles.
The polluting emissions emitted by cars will be subject to increased control, the European Commission announced on Thursday in a press release. After the scandal of the rigged pollution tests of Volkswagen, Brussels indeed promises “new more realistic mandatory tests”. These will be deployed from 1er September.
“From tomorrow, new car models will have to pass revised, more reliable emissions tests before they can be driven in Europe,” says the Commission. Emissions of nitrogen oxides and other particulates, the main causes of air pollution, will be measured “under real driving conditions”.
A “major” step
This test will be supplemented by new “more realistic” laboratory tests for all emissions including CO2 and fuel consumption, as well as emissions of nitrogen oxides and other particulates. “These new methods of measuring emissions represent a major step in our action to ensure that our cars are, within the next few years, cleaner and more respectful of the environment”, welcomes the Commission, which remains however cautious.
Indeed, “there is still a lot to do. The emissions scandal has shown that we need more independence in car testing, more market surveillance and the possibility for the Commission to intervene in cases of abuse ”.
For cars that are already on the road and will not have been tested through these new tests, Member States are urged to “take responsibility, apply the law and take additional measures, together with the players in the sector, to reduce their costs. emissions ”.