Today in our daily audio meeting hosted by Dr Jean-François Lemoine: a severe survey for the executive in its management of the crisis; the interview with Professor Olivier de la Doucette, geriatrician, on the worrying situation in nursing homes; and the latest scientific news.
Today’s news with Thierry Borsa:
– A very severe survey for the executive power: 7 out of 10 French people believe that they are not told the truth about the health crisis, the result of the mess on protective masks.
Guests of Dr. Jean-François Lemoine:
– Dr Luc Duquesnel, president of the CSMF generalists: “This pandemic has accelerated the coordinated exercise”.
– Professor Olivier de la Doucette, geriatrician and psychiatrist at La Pitié-Salpêtrière: a very difficult situation in nursing homes.
Scientific news with Dr Jean-Paul Marre:
– A first randomized Chinese study on chloroquine: it is not the miracle molecule… but the study only involves 30 patients.
– Excess mortality in Italy: deaths affecting a high proportion of people over 70, more associated diseases among victims and a change in the screening strategy.
– the practical advice of the day: for patients who are treated with chloroquine, monitor the heart rate.