In the summary of our daily audio meeting hosted by Dr Jean-François Lemoine: Dr Michelle Levy-Soussan, head of the palliative care unit at Pitié-Salpêtrière, alert on the emergency situation in nursing homes; Pr Jean-David Bouaziz, dermatologist, explains how Covid-19 can also cause dermatological lesions; the point on scientific news and a survey which shows that confinement creates tensions in families.
The news of the day, with Thierry Borsa:
– We are at the start of the fourth week of confinement and a survey shows that tensions are emerging in families
Scientific news, with Dr Jean-Paul Marre:
– Can masks reduce the risk of contamination? Studies show that they protect against droplets which can transmit the virus and that in countries where they are worn almost generally, fewer cases of Covid-19 have been detected
– In the acute respiratory distress syndrome that Boris Johnson may suffer from, anti-IL6 drugs reduce oxygen requirements and provide clinical improvement
Guests of Dr. Jean-François Lemoine:
– Dr. Michelle Levy-Soussanhead of the palliative care unit at Pitié-Salpêtrière in Paris, warns of “an emergency situation” in nursing homes and calls on their directors to request reinforcements in nursing and non-nursing staff
– Professor Jean-David Bouazizdermatologist, provides a possible explanation for the dermatological lesions linked to Covid-19