Contents of our daily meeting hosted by Dr Jean-François Lemoine: a hopeful interview with Pr Karine Lacombe, infectious disease specialist, who is awaiting the results of a study on the treatment of Covid-19 by injection of plasma, a serotherapy whose first trials are very promising; in the controversy over chloroquine, Professor Jean-François Bergmann denounces “the passion that hindered the obtaining of proof”; and the point on the digital “tracking” that the government wants to establish to secure the deconfinement.
Guests of Dr. Jean-François Lemoine:
– Professor Karine Lacombehead of the infectious diseases department at St Antoine hospital: she announces for the beginning of May the results of a study on the effectiveness of serotherapy – the injection of plasma from recovered patients – in the treatment of Covid-19, serotherapy which, in Chinese trials, has made it possible to observe clinical signs of improvement in the state of health of patients.
– Professor Jean-Francois Bergmannopposed to Pr Jean-Luc Harousseau in the controversy over the prescription of chloroquine, explains how the passion for this subject has, according to him, “hampered the highlighting of scientific certainties”.
The news of the day, with Thierry Borsa:
– The government is considering the introduction of “tracking” by mobile phones to secure deconfinement: the French are for it, but questions arise about data protection.